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Orjinali göster

İncelemenin bir kısmı otomatik olarak çevrildi.

  • 19/03/2019

    This VTX has all the required features for a modern VTX: audio microphone on board, MMCX antenna connector, SmartAudio control, 40 channels and 5 switchable output power modes. It offers a wide range of the power output levels from 25mW up to 1000mW. I would call this VTX a long range quad VTX as it outputs whole 1 watt of RF power. Power tests show that TX1200 VTX is calibrated to slightly outperform the power output setting – on 25mW power setting it exceeds the declared output and transmitts outputting 39mW (Raceband CH5). Also this VTX outputs more than nominal setting on 200mW and 600mW power levels on some of the channels. Extensive tests on power output linearity shows that power output is varying greatly. Full review is here: www.multirotorguide.com/reviews/review-eachine-tx1200-vtx/

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    Orjinali göster
  • 22/01/2020

    One of the best transmitters out there is you don't mind 30*30mm size. pig tail write and antenna included plus instructions and connector cables. this is my second one of these, couldn't resist at the price ! Thankyou

    Orjinali göster

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