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İncelemenin bir kısmı otomatik olarak çevrildi.

  • 23/03/2018

    writes thicker about 0.5mm but all smooth writing fountain pens do!! it is perfect. the weight is nice. the pen writes smoothly and does not scratch paper. it can handle writing fast and does not require lots of pressure. ink filling attachment inside has a spring for mixing ink :) very smart design. beautiful pen!!!!! I love it. Crazy people in Europe would pay 100 euros for it but I think it's worth the 4 euros ;)

    Orjinali göster
  • 16/04/2018

    04-16-2018. Kingdom of Spain. Telling this truth I am enthusiastic so that everyone knows this GOOD OPINION for being with a GOOD SELLER AND ITS EXCELLENT PRODUCTS, my thanks to the GOOD SERVICE: FAST-SAFE-EFFICIENT. Desiring successes and many sales. Thank you all, kind regards. Banggood Client Mr. Guillermo Antonio.

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