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Yalnızca ülkenizden yorumlar (Turkey)
Orjinali göster

İncelemenin bir kısmı otomatik olarak çevrildi.

  • 18/03/2016

    It's a gold mine ! Well done, very rosy colors. The icing on the cake is on very practical accessories : 2 plastic sleeves ( 1 Smooth & 1 flanged ) + the height (for " Dremeler " the plastic serrated sleeve that fits perfectly without removing anything ( made ​​for) the real watch . " you have to sell this article to get parts. " The only small drawback is that the support base iron is pre pierced axis of which does not correspond to those of drilling vise ( the cure exists). To summarize: A masterpiece , very satisfied with my purchase , I strongly advice to the waverers that are equipped with multi- purpose tool Articles like this I want more. thank you for your offer

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    Orjinali göster
  • 27/04/2017

    В общем стойка хорошая. Основная стойка из трубы, внутри трубы шов, наружка ф 25,15мм. Внутренний диаметр ф 22,83мм. Отверстие под стойку в основании сделано на конус ф 25,3 - 25,6мм. Для усиления стойки выточил внутрь трубы усилитель, для шва пропилил болгаркой паз. Для крепёжных винтов стойки просверлил небольшие конуса. Отверстие для "моторчика" 44,00 мм в свободном состоянии.

    Orjinali göster

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