NHaag Whatprogramming card di you buy? (Link please)
Cevap 12/08/2021
hi do you know how fast it is after the upgrade?
is it faster than with the stock motor?
thanks :)
Hello, what Fpv are you using?
It seems to be a lot of extra bits in this little beauty.
BG204610135 Will it go faster with no program card ?
Cevap 02/12/2021Vhenny What i need to choose the full set or the separate program card?
Cevap 27/03/2022BG553415181 Ça rapporte quoi monter comme ça .a part l'estethique
Cevap 28/03/2022BG545593511 mine fried on 4s
Cevap 16/05/2022BG603101012 la tarjeta para que se ocupa
Cevap 03/01/2023denl How exactly did you mount the body on top of everything? I see some extensions where the original points of mounting were. It would be very helpfull because my body also doesn\'t fit over the new motor and esc system
Cevap 31/01/2023hansnl you're right, i have replaced the plastic standoff's making two custom aluminium , this way created more room below the car body. now this body is fixed using two M3 screws in alu standoff's. to charge the battery's the body does not to be removed, using extension cable.
Cevap 03/02/2023BG438561322 howdid you connect it together to make it work? whenever i plug everything in it starts repeatedly beeping loudly. could you help?
Cevap 18/09/2023BG114017154 4S is dangerous for the car and differentials
Cevap 30/10/2023BG371846104 Is it a 1/8 or 1/16?
Cevap 01/11/2023BG129210191 How big is the motor
Cevap 27/11/2023Aaron What body mounts are you using? I can't find the original body with new kit...
Cevap 23/10/2024Şirketimiz | Bizimle iletişime geçin | Ödeme & Nakliye | Partnerlik Programlarımız |