Tüm Mesajlar

Q: Is it support B20 frequency?

Soran jungle Açık 2019-04-03 03:30:35

rimakus It does not support according to gsmarena. Pity.

2019-04-03 04:42:37 Yararlı (0)
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Q: Does it have SD card slot to store photos and video?

Soran rimakus Açık 2019-02-21 05:52:45

Panacea Yes, it have SD card slot.

2019-03-05 09:31:24 Yararlı (0)
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Q: How do you set 24V operation?

Soran Skullworks Açık 2019-01-10 12:02:33

rimakus There are two versions: 12V and 24V. You need to order 24V version.

2019-01-23 04:26:40 Yararlı (2)
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rimakus Wind turbine creates AC current. Solar panels create DC current.

2018-11-01 04:52:29 Yararlı (0)
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Q: What is wifi 5.8G. I know 2,4 and 5 but 5.8 does not exist!

Soran Helmer Açık 2018-07-10 08:42:41

rimakus 5 covers wider frequency range and not just 5GHz. 5.8 is top of the covered range I guess. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels#5_GHz_(802.11a/h/j/n/ac/ax)

2018-07-10 10:40:57 Yararlı (0)
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