Tüm Mesajlar

micky7120 👍

2021-12-21 03:24:45 Yararlı (0)
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Q: Does anyone have a link to a mount 3D model for this hot end?

Soran ChrisPearson Açık 2019-03-10 08:18:49

micky7120 the best places to search are thingiverse.com and yeggi.com

2021-11-19 04:32:36 Yararlı (0)
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Q: is the headphone can be used with laptop?

Soran anilkhurana87 Açık 2021-09-17 05:59:18

micky7120 these can be used with any device that supports bluetooth

2021-11-19 04:30:07 Yararlı (0)
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micky7120 when connected select Bluetooth option to use for media and calls

2021-11-19 04:29:38 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (18)

Q: is the BL Touch bed leveling sensor compatible with Ender 3Xs-Pro?

Soran BG424110134 Açık 2020-06-23 07:45:26

micky7120 Yes this is compatible with BL touch bed levelling, also cr touch

2021-10-17 08:29:05 Yararlı (0)
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Q: what is this large half circle???? beside the tips

Soran banggtronecs Açık 2019-08-16 09:21:41

micky7120 I believe it is some kind of heated scraper

2021-10-17 07:55:37 Yararlı (0)
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Q: Does this product have stock in brazil?

Soran BG543610848 Açık 2020-11-14 09:50:10

micky7120 I'm sure that you can get this supplied to you in Brazil,

2021-10-07 05:23:13 Yararlı (0)
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Q: Could someone grab the phone from the holder ?

Soran BG173845418 Açık 2021-09-30 06:25:38

micky7120 the sides of the holder are mechanical and there is a metal screw that tightens the sides securing your phone, once tightened, no, someone couldn't grab your phone

2021-10-07 05:21:22 Yararlı (1)
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Q: What is the size of this particular printer? Can I fit it in a closet?

Soran BG131321321 Açık 2021-09-18 12:32:17

micky7120 I have this, dimensions are 24" tall with spool holder, 18" wide and 20" for bed movement

2021-09-18 01:52:56 Yararlı (0)
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