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  • 10/05/2020

    Great value! I managed to get a point to point LoRa connection of 1100 meters in a small town, but only in line of sight. A few things could be improved: - the antenna port was loose on both modules (you have to open the case to fix it easily) - the battery cable is isolated with tape instead of e.g. shrink tube - please include a power switch. I recommend buying it. Chris

    Orjinali göster
  • 23/08/2020

    ordered this pack to learn about lora and ttn. could easily add 3 DS18b20 to check a remote hot water storage in a holiday cabin. Every 5 mins the temperatures in 3 different levels are transmitted. Battery is included but really small, think 180mA. OLED is quite clear and good to read. enclosure is fine, too. Transmits from inside of wooden building to indoor gateway being 300m away.

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