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Yalnızca ülkenizden yorumlar (Turkey)
Orjinali göster

İncelemenin bir kısmı otomatik olarak çevrildi.

  • 04/05/2019

    Product feels solid and durable. Has L-N-E labels, cross-sectional area of 0.5mm^2 or 20 awg, and about 1 ohm of resistance. I wish the wires were thicker but you get what you pay for.

    Orjinali göster
  • 14/11/2018

    Are good power cables, and are grounded, have had power cables that are also 3 prong but the ground part was not connected, when i used a multimeter. This one i tested also with a multimeter, and the ground cable is connected, so they are save to use.

    Orjinali göster

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    • US$29.00
    • US$0.00
    • US$24.59