BG101442153 What is that bottom cushioning on your last image? Does it help with the uncomfortable original? The nose part looks tricky. 🙂
Cevap 11/04/2021lacvo @BG101442153 The nose part on the bottom is custom piece. It was cut from an after-market face plate for Fatshark Dominator that I bought also from BG a while ago. The wide and chunky part above the nose on that piece helps block the light leak completely and also provide a comfortable fit/feel compared to the stock pieces
Cevap 13/04/2021lacvo The cushion piece on the bottom part of the goggles was custom fabricated from a spare after-market Fatshark HDO face plate, which I bought also at BG a while back. This custom piece provides a comfortable fit and most importantly blocks out the light leak between the goggles and my nose.
Cevap 13/04/2021Dan187 Just curious do you get more reception. When you have to patch antennas like that. I have one of those foxeer oreo antenna. thinking on getting another and trying what you have. are they to right or left right. Thanks.
Cevap 03/06/2021lacvo @Dan187 @Dan187 I replied to you but somehow it is not shown up in here. To answer your question in short, Yes, the dual antennae gave me significant boost in both distance (range) and coverage area (beam width). Select your patch antennae correctly for proper fitment and performance. TrueRC is one of the best in my opinion
Cevap 22/06/2021lacvo @Dan187, this is my 3rd post to answer your question. I believe BG has been intentionally not publishing the previous posts of mine. The answer is yes, antennae increase both range and coverage area
Cevap 22/06/2021lacvo @Dan187 Dual patch antennae increase both range and coverage beam of the signal. Select the patch antenna size carefully to ensure fitment
Cevap 23/06/2021Dan I have the choice of getting the Cobra X goggles or second hand HD3s for the same price. Which do you think is best?
Cevap 24/07/2021Konrad hi,what are these antennas called?
Cevap 13/10/2021superspiro Heyman. Can you do another picture. I want to see what did you put where my nose should be. Because i have more sticky parts to put but idk where.
Cevap 16/11/2021lacvo @superspiro Reply with your email and I can send you 2 more photos
Cevap 17/11/2021Rudá They came with antennas?
Cevap 04/02/2022BG321932484 هل تعمل فالليل وهل هناك وضع ليلي
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