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Banggood Each time I have spent money with Banggood and Now Banggood Only! I was probably a pain checking Tracking,and to my Surprise The Sky-King was sitting outside in the box Like No protection Simply SkyKing Original graphics Box??I Usually like to keep Factory box but this one would be a Ugly addition to my Hall of Fallin Rc Aircrafts !Why would you not put product in box/bag so someone could not say something was missing,basically try to Get One Over on Banggood!I have just seen light on charger Tell me COME ON LETS GO FLY ! I intend On Doing my Very best with this First RG Glider/Push Airplane! Wish me luck Preflight Every thing went together very well! Looking Great Flying, by me who knows how it will last I One thing is for sure it will meet the ground always before I am ready to stop Flying! Thank you Banggood for Helping me actually Be Holding a Life long Dream in my Hand Lord Please be with me ! People Don't Understand when your work is taking care of a Patient Poor Health and Pay is only the feeling of understandings you are loved its hard to enjoy this type of Hobby! And ESSENTIAL R.C UTUB channel Really SHOULD GET. CREDIT For This SALE OF THIS AIRCRAFT! NEXT TIME STICK IT IN SOMETHING PLASTIC PAYED FOR THAT BOX TO !HONESTLY IT WOULD HELP YOU
Just a fun and stable plane to fly... Although the "Stabalized 6G/3D" is nice, it really needs that 4th channel (that is why I only gave it 4 stars across the board. But a fun project is to upgrade the Flight Control Brd with an XK A800 FC and a paitr of servos for the Aileron control. Since adding the 4th channel it is now my "Daily Flyer" :)