
Q: How to overcome mirror text problem coming on display????

Soran Arman Qureshi Açık 2019-03-05 23:38:26

Professor99 Use the Parola library for driving this device (which you probably are already doing). Get the latest version because it’s easier to fix this problem with the latest version. Then follow the advice of ATHIELEN in the review of the 1 piece MAX7219 product. He says to download the “https://github.com/MajicDesigns/MD_MAX72XX” library into your Arduino IDE. Open the “MD_MAX72xx_Test” located under Examples. Change line number 25 from “#define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::PAROLA_HW” info “#define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW”. You can read the explanation of the different hardware setups in file “MD_MAX72XX_lib.h” located in the library. Do not make any changes to “MD_MAX72XX.h” in this latest version (which is the fix for earlier versions of Parola).

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Q: is it's battery come with it

Soran Vishnu Açık 2017-12-03 00:51:16

Professor99 No batteries come with it; you need to order 2 of the 18650 batteries recommended. Ensure that they have a flat top (and bottom) so that they fit properly in the case.

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