
Q: what types of filament dose this printer take?

Soran Chris Marlow Açık 2020-05-05 15:20:00

rokhounds out of the box you can print PLA, ABS & PETG... however, ABS and PETG need higher temps to print and will cause the Teflon tube to wear out extremely fast so your best bet is to upgrade to Capricorn Tubing before attempting those or you can move up to an all metal hotend and not have any issues at all. PTFE tubing melts at 250 degrees, about 10 degrees hotter than needed for PETG & ABS however on a long print job heat creep can allow the tubing to begin to degrade and the fumes from that are toxic!And when I say long I mean 3-day print jobs or longer. All in all this is a great big printer than can do so much, all you need to do is learn to work with it.

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rokhounds just as there are people who will take the time to learn how to properly use the printer, there are also people who expect this to be 100% right out of the box. As with any and all budget printers, by budget I mean non-commercially intended printer, there is a learning curve between E=step calibration, bed trammeling (leveling), and the need to replace parts as they wear or upgrade to allow the printer to print different materials that may need higher temps or cause more wear on the nozzle than the basic 3... PLA, ABS, & PETG. If you tyake your time and do your research online and through the different forums out there you shouldn't have any problems. I do not own this printer however I do own the Creality Ender 3 pro and a Creality CR10S (300x300x400) so I do know what I am talking about and that is how I learned to get the most from my printers too!!

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Q: can I print in nylon

Soran MR.GamerBoy 9000 Açık 2020-07-21 08:33:48

rokhounds not without upgrading the hotend to all metal to handle the higher temps needed.

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rokhounds If you order it through a company the invoice should have the company name on it.

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Q: 110 or 220v?

Soran Francis Nakazone Açık 2020-07-23 06:31:53

rokhounds the power supply is capable of both and requires the user to set it to the proper voltage during the assembly process.

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Q: can it print TPU ?

Soran sabaton001 Açık 2020-09-01 12:11:28

rokhounds your best bet for printing TPU is to upgrade to a direct drive extruder with an all metal hotend. Ideally upgrading the heated bed woould be great too but not as necessary as the hotend, extruder.

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Q: This printer works with nylon filament?

Soran KEPLERFM Açık 2018-11-07 15:52:05

rokhounds NO, anyone who says otherwise is LYING !!! In it's stock form it is not capable of printing Nylon due to the high Temps needed. To print Nylon you need an all metal hotend and a double gear extruder upgrade would not hurt either.... Ideally a direct drive upgrade would be best, the nozzle should be rated for 400 degrees and you would need a bed capable of 100 degrees. which the stock Ender 3 is not capable of doing without damaging the printer

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