
Q: When will Premium Combo (T-Motor) available?

Soran Bluescreen_isu Açık 2020-11-01 15:09:58

lacvo I do not know when the combo becomes available. But you can build your own premium with kit 28xx motor (6S) 60A ESC 7" props

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Q: est-il possible d'utiliser la version pnp avec une batterie Lion 6s ?

Soran Sebastien Perruchoud Açık 2021-05-24 06:50:41

lacvo PNPversion is configured to be used with 4S ESC and motor. Unless both ESC and motor can be used on 6S, you risk burning both of them

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lacvo According to owner manual, there is no mention about web cam function or support on this cam

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Q: Does it have screws?

Soran Maxgaming5577 Açık 2022-12-18 12:46:00

lacvo yes,camera comes with a set of screws for mounting to quad's frame

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Q: Is it work for iflight cinebee?

Soran Jose Antonio de Paula Açık 2020-02-11 15:44:56

lacvo Willwork on almost any quad using betaflight, just make sure your quad FC has a free UART

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lacvo 880Q can be used for the quad. Compass is a bonus but not required and indeed not recommended for quad use due to complexity of the setup

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