
BG411143422 It arrived in 26 days approximately but I live in Colombia in each country can take a different time and has 3 LEDS when one presses the power button changes the amount of lights on and I love that you can charge like a cell phone and yes, it includes the batteries but are inside the device and do not know how to change them, if they include the strap to put on the head, I include the charging cable, the only thing is that it has about 5-7 centimeters ie is very short.

BG411143422 22/01/2022
Yorumlar (1)

BG411143422 This tripod is lightweight does not feel too strong is for cell phones, and actually the plastic does not creak but I treat it carefully just in case, but I attach some pictures something for reference so you realize the size, forgive the mess jjajajajajaja I love that includes a small black bag and cell phone holder I thought I would have to buy it separately, and also is quite high sitting is higher than me but I\'m 1. 65 meters, it has something in the middle that prevents it from moving but do not expect something of too much quality in the materials well it looks like aluminum and is light as aluminum but the plastics are not super strong so it is something for indoor use and it is suitable for video interviews or record something but does not bring a control or something like that to use it remotely.

BG411143422 28/01/2022
Yorumlar (2)