Tüm Mesajlar

Q: Se caso o celular cair na água e queimar, a garantia cobre??

Soran alexandre Açık 2019-10-18 06:16:21

Yuki Here is banggood warranty. https://www.banggood.com/Return-policy_hl103_at529

2019-10-22 04:26:19 Yararlı (0)
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Q: vcs reembolsam se caso for taxado no Brasil?

Soran locutorxandy Açık 2019-04-25 01:42:36

Ulic maybe you can use the “contact us” to contact the banggood customer service team.

2019-04-27 01:27:37 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (1)