Tüm Mesajlar

Q: Hello! This strap is 22mm or 24mm?

Soran Ivux Açık 2020-01-25 03:33:23

Razvan Youcan choose what size do you want. Available in 18, 20, 22 and 24mm

2021-08-28 11:03:58 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (5)

Q: Hello, Can I buy only the witch addapt to the camera? I lost that part

Soran BG104284635 Açık 2021-06-28 12:19:13

Razvan Iassume you reffer to the release plate that goes on the camera. I don`t think they sell it separately. You can find some aftermarket release plate that fits.

2021-08-15 09:00:37 Yararlı (0)
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Q: The plate is compatible with Manfrotto or Arca Swiss?

Soran mattspeen Açık 2019-09-17 11:50:22

Razvan Itis compatible with both of them.

2021-08-15 08:55:29 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (2)

Q: How much is the weight?

Soran KunalAher Açık 2021-08-11 10:38:04

Razvan A few hundred grams, it is super light and packed small.

2021-08-11 11:21:48 Yararlı (1)
cevaplar (1)

Q: Will it really take a month to process?

Soran JesseZe Açık 2020-01-21 10:08:02

Razvan No,the product is send very quickly. And also the shipping is fast.

2021-08-06 02:51:44 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (3)

Q: Does this include poles and ropes?

Soran SingingDwarf Açık 2019-07-19 06:55:56

Razvan No,there is no poles and ropes included.

2021-08-06 02:49:53 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (4)