Tüm Mesajlar

Q: How long we use 1 battery? I mean how many minutes each?

Soran BG125423345 Açık 2021-11-04 03:10:19

BG472223716 around 15min

2021-11-13 05:43:27 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (2)

Q: does it have WiFi ?

Soran BG505625817 Açık 2021-05-10 02:08:17

BG472223716 Yes and it works perfectly, using winscp to copy files directly to it.

2021-11-04 01:00:24 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (5)

BG472223716 No, you need to supply additional games yourself, but the 7000 included will keep you busy for awhile!

2021-10-26 07:29:58 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (4)