Tüm Mesajlar

Q: Does this good for phone call?

Soran vietvo Açık 2020-09-01 02:48:31

BG334123115 the microphone is basic... but for a phone call it's quite useful.

2021-12-05 09:29:56 Yararlı (0)
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Q: True stereo? Active noise cancelling?

Soran BG481310164 Açık 2021-09-29 09:46:44

BG334123115 it's stereo and the noise canceling is just by the damper itself.

2021-12-05 09:26:49 Yararlı (0)
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Q: what are the differences between hp2 and hp0 plus?

Soran leobatterio Açık 2021-04-09 12:30:35

BG334123115 The main feature that sets the two apart is that the hp0 is not as comfortable as the hp2, as the sound quality depends on the person, the hp2 has a clearer sound and the hp0 has more evidence in the midrange.

2021-12-05 09:24:33 Yararlı (0)
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Q: boa tarde, serve no xiaomi redmi note 5 ?

Soran Louíshop Açık 2018-10-07 12:27:05

BG334123115 Funcionaem todos os dispositivos com entrada p2...

2021-11-09 11:27:30 Yararlı (0)
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