Tüm Mesajlar

Q: is the global version?

Soran NiNjA005 Açık 2021-04-05 02:38:29

BG444816452 Does it monitoring o2 permanently? e.g. To see the o2 during sleep? Does it show the o2 in a evaluation? E.g over the night?

2021-05-17 03:49:03 Yararlı (1)
cevaplar (3)

Q: Does it have English language?

Soran niki85 Açık 2021-05-30 03:03:53

NiNjA005 yes the device knows english language ... it is a global version

2021-05-31 06:43:58 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (34)