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amisoftau 24/11/2018
Very nice appearance, black plastic cover. The unit is layed out with two banks of 8 pwm connectors, one at each end. They are labelled 1-8 and 9-16. It also has an SBUS input, and program enable jumper position and RX & TX for connection to a USB-FTDI adapter. It came pre-configured to output PWM on all 16 outputs, channels 1 to 16 as labelled. So for most people, no configuration would be required. It also apparently alternatively supports two PPM outputs of (I think) 8 channels each - hence the two banks. The software appears to support up to 16 channels per bank, and has two timing options for the PPM setting. I don't know if that's possible but if so, you could have 16 channels on one PPM connection. As per the labelling on the case, the two PPM connections connect at PPM1 (CH2), and PPM2 (CH10). This can be enabled and configured using the software. The to FTDI RX & TX connections are labelled on the case as "TO PC TX" and "TO PC RX" and I thought that's nice - FINALLY someone labelled it so that no one could get confused re. the TX->RX thing. But sadly NO!; that doesn't work and it's labelled wrong. You as usual need to connect the TX pin to RX on the FTDI, and the RX pin to TX on the FTDI. I also connected GND and 5V from the FTDI to the device at one of the channel connections. I used CH1 but any should work for supplying power. The software window has connection hints displayed and suggests power can be 5V or 3V. I ran it at 5V. This is sometimes selectable on your FTDI unit. Plug in your FTDI so that windows loads the COM port, then run the software. Select the new com port, then click READ. You should have the supplied config come up in the software window. It's set to do PWM channels 1-8 on the first bank, and PWM channels 9-16 on the second bank. I've not yet tested it in operation, only the configuration as above. Hope this helps. Cheers.
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yikkkk Please contact customer service and confirm for the innovation.

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