Tüm Mesajlar

Q: Is This Product Compatible With The Cannon T3i Rebel?

Soran BG171015471 Açık 2020-12-15 02:32:47

tjirotka Idon6t know, i have nikon...

2021-11-24 06:41:04 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (2)

Q: is it compatible with the Nikon D500?

Soran Bezoeker Açık 2020-06-12 06:12:14

tjirotka Yesof course

2021-11-24 06:37:54 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (2)

Q: Please tell me - what is the Guide Number for this flash unit?

Soran BG564711952 Açık 2020-05-17 06:36:48

tjirotka Thetechnical specification says 15

2021-11-24 06:37:16 Yararlı (0)
cevaplar (2)