
Q: Where can i find the manual for this please?

Soran meldavison Açık 2022-03-26 14:39:03

The seller You can obtain an electronic version of the manual from the customer service(

2022-03-28 03:47:41 Yararlı (0)
Yanıtlar (1)

Q: What software is supplied?

Soran meldavison Açık 2020-01-25 12:19:58

BG938419140 The printer prints g-code in style of repetier firmware. You can use the supplied cura profile or use any other slic3r and do a profile for a circular syle printer with 200 x 200 size. It will require... Daha Fazla Göster

2020-09-28 12:20:49 Yararlı (1)
Yanıtlar (5)